Better safe than sorry…

We often hear the saying, "better safe than sorry." We are taught to avoid risks and stay within our comfort zones. While it is true that safety is important, we should also recognize the value of taking risks.


Airplanes and ships are two examples that can teach us about the importance of taking risks. On the ground, an airplane is safe, but it is also limited in its potential. An airplane is designed to fly, and it is when it is in the air that its true value is realized. Similarly, a ship is safe when it is docked, but it is designed to sail. It is when it is out at sea that it can fulfill its purpose.

These examples teach us that safety and value are not always the same thing. We may feel safe within our comfort zones, but we may also be limiting our potential. If we want to reach our goals and achieve great things, we need to be willing to take risks.

Taking risks can be scary. It means stepping outside of our comfort zones and facing the unknown. But it is often through taking risks that we grow and learn. We discover new things about ourselves, and we develop new skills and abilities.

Of course, not all risks are worth taking. We need to be smart about the risks we take, and we need to weigh the potential rewards against the potential consequences. But we should not let fear hold us back from taking risks that could lead to great things.

In addition to the lessons of airplanes and ships, there is another aspect of taking risks that we should consider. It is easy to make excuses and blame external factors when we encounter difficulties in our professional lives. We may say, "there are no jobs, no one is hiring," and resign ourselves to a sense of hopelessness. However, this kind of thinking can be limiting and prevent us from achieving our goals.

The reality is that there are always going to be challenges and obstacles in the job market. But we should not let these obstacles discourage us from taking risks and pursuing our dreams. Instead, we should accept the reality and the challenges, and do something about it.

This may mean stepping out of our comfort zones and exploring new opportunities. It may mean developing new skills or pursuing further education. It may mean networking and connecting with others in our field. Whatever it may be, it is important that we take action and not let fear or excuses hold us back.

In fact, it is often through taking risks and pursuing new opportunities that we are able to achieve success in our careers. It may not always be easy, and we may encounter failures along the way. But it is through these failures and challenges that we learn and grow as professionals.

So, let us remember that while safety and stability are important, we should also recognize the value of taking risks and pursuing our dreams. Let us not be discouraged by external factors or make excuses for ourselves. Instead, let us be proactive and take action towards achieving our goals, no matter how difficult or risky the situation may be.

Bottom line: We can choose to stay within our comfort zones and play it safe, or we can choose to take risks and push ourselves to new heights.