Moving Beyond Old Patterns

We often rely on what we know, what is familiar, and what has worked for us in the past. However, this can limit our potential and prevent us from achieving our goals. In this blog, we will discuss the importance of thinking outside the box and breaking free from old patterns. The example used in this blog is inspired by Vivek Bindra, who provided clarity on this concept.


The Old Pattern: The common saying "Kuch pane ke liye kuch khona padta hai" translates to "You have to lose something to gain something." This implies that in order to achieve something, you have to make a sacrifice. While there may be some truth to this, it can be limiting. It can discourage us from taking risks, trying new things, and exploring our full potential.

The Correct Pattern: Vivek Bindra simplified this concept by stating "Kuch pane ke liye kuch karna padta hai," which means "You have to do something to gain something." This suggests that in order to achieve something, you must take action. You have to work hard, take risks, and step out of your comfort zone. It's not about sacrificing something else; it's about putting in the effort to achieve your desired outcome.

Thinking Outside the Box: To achieve success and reach our full potential, we need to think outside the box. This means breaking free from old patterns of thinking and behavior. It involves being open to new ideas, taking risks, and exploring new opportunities. When we think outside the box, we can come up with innovative solutions to problems, create new products and services, and find new ways to grow and succeed.

Breaking the Status Quo: To think outside the box, we need to break the status quo. We need to challenge the way things are done and be willing to take risks. We need to be open to change and be willing to adapt to new situations. When we break the status quo, we can create new opportunities and achieve great things.

Here are few examples:

  1. A chef who wants to create a unique dish: To think outside the box, the chef must take action by experimenting with unusual ingredients, cooking techniques, or flavor combinations. They can't simply talk about their desire to create a new dish; they must actually try new things in the kitchen to see what works and what doesn't. They might fail a few times before coming up with a winning recipe, but it's the action of trying that leads to success.
  2. An entrepreneur who wants to launch a successful startup: To differentiate themselves from competitors, the entrepreneur must take action by developing a unique business model, offering a new product or service, or using innovative marketing strategies. They can't just talk about how they want to stand out; they must actually take steps to make it happen. They might need to invest time and resources into market research, product development, and branding efforts to achieve success.
  3. A musician who wants to stand out in a crowded industry: To create a unique sound or style, the musician must take action by experimenting with different instruments, genres, or production techniques. They can't just talk about their desire to be different; they must actually try new things in the studio to see what sounds good and what doesn't. They might need to collaborate with other artists or work with a producer to bring their vision to life.
  4. A student who wants to excel in their studies: To achieve academic success, the student must take action by trying new study methods, seeking out additional resources, and asking for help when needed. They can't just talk about their desire to do well in school; they must actually put in the effort to improve their grades and understanding of the subject matter. They might need to form study groups, work with tutors, or try new note-taking techniques to achieve their academic goals.
  5. An employee who wants to advance their career: To stand out in the workplace and advance their career, the employee must take action by seeking out new responsibilities, building new skills, and developing new relationships with colleagues and superiors. They can't just talk about their desire to move up the corporate ladder; they must actually demonstrate their value to the company by taking on new projects, exceeding expectations, and making meaningful contributions to the organization. They might need to seek out additional training or certifications, volunteer for leadership roles, or network with others in their industry to achieve career advancement.

Conclusion Thinking outside the box and breaking free from old patterns is essential for success in all aspects of life. We need to be willing to take risks, try new things, and explore our full potential. Thanks to Vivek Bindra for simplifying this concept and providing clarity on the importance of taking action to achieve our goals. Let's break the status quo and achieve great things!